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Online Enrolment
To complete the online enrolment, you need to have the following hardware, software and documents ready:
Printer Printer
Acrobat Reader Adobe Reader 7 or above
Documents Documents included:
1. Professional registration certificate of applicant
2. Bank account information of medical organization
3. Certificate of business registration or incorporation of medical organization
Paper Enrolment
Apply to enroll in
Health Care Voucher Scheme
Vaccination Subsidy Scheme
Primary Care Directory
You may download and complete the application form and return it according to the mailing instruction contained in the enrolment guide.
Application Form English / 中文
Record of the Vaccine Storage Refrigerator (only applicable to applicants for Vaccination Subsidy Scheme) English
Authority for Payment to a Bank English / 中文

The forms above need to be viewed and printed through the use of Adobe Reader 7 or above
We shall keep your personal data STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL !

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